Achievements of AEPICAB
AEPICAB, originally established as the Ethiopia Coordination Office at the University of Amsterdam, has acquired rich experience over 25 years in designing, coordinating and implementing wide-ranging programs including in various specialized laws, international relations, management and leadership and economics.
AEPICAB has enjoyed consistently an excellent reputation as a partner institute as well as widespread esteem of academic and professional institutions in Africa and Europe. Through its pioneering approach to capacity building based on partnership, AEPICAB has contributed to changing the traditional one-way traffic approach to capacity building. AEPICAB is highly regarded by peer institutions, research institutes and governments for its endeavour to develop human resource capacity through partnership. In this manner, it has significantly helped in the development of human resources in cooperation with several Ethiopian institutions. In partnership with academics and professionals from over 20 academic institutions, AEPICAB has designed and implemented numerous capacity building programs. Its partners include the University of Amsterdam, the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Free University of Amsterdam, the London School of Economics and Political Science, Pretoria University, the University of Vienna, the Common Wealth Institute in London as well as practicing judges in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Thus, over 200 professors and internationally renown expert trainers have travelled to and taken part in the teaching of diverse post graduate programs in and outside Addis Ababa.
Impact Assessment of Capacity Building Projects
in the Ethiopian Justice Sector Institutions.
Supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands in Addis Ababa
Download the pdf of the Report here.